QUAILS: a barrage of thundering riffs and rapid tempo changes
‘A barrage of thundering riffs and rapid tempo changes’ best describes Quails – the profound pleasure dome of Jaan Claeys and Stephan Spriet. Jaan’s baritone guitar effortlessly strings together a series of sensational scores while Stephan’s well-aimed drum strikes attain perfect harmony.
Both musicians enhance this mesh of progressive metal with their own idiosycrasies. No frequency in the sound spectrum is left untouched. A first encounter with Quails barely grasps what this duo is capable of; only gradually does the listener realise their potential. Witnessing them live simply blows you away, staring in the void left behind after the show.
The faint-hearted might even need a change of underwear…
In 2016 the band released their first full album called Mechanical Principles.
During the pandemic-years Stephan and Jaan started working on new music. During 2021 and early 2022 they invaded the Barefootstudio in Ooigem to record a brandnew album called Interact, which today was digitally released on all platforms. Interact is without any doubt a class-act-Quails-record!